Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Long Distance Hiking Class

I'll be teaching an evening class in lightweight backpacking gear and long distance hiking: Class # 14W-GAR-002 Tu and Th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM January 28-30, 2014 (Tue, Thu) West Junior High Also, a suggestion for a scenic alternate route south of Clark Fork: This route is longer, but avoids heavily traveled roads. It has plenty of water, unlike the official route. It's much more scenic Turn off Forest Service Road 430 on the good trail down to Jordan Spring Continue on the trail down Alden Creek (There were several blowdowns across the trail in 2012) The trail crosses Alden Creek at the confluence with the North Fork of Coeur d'Alene River Hike downstream on Coeur d'Alene National Recreation Trail There is a damp crossing of some beaver ponds at Deer Creek Downstream from there, the trail is one of the most scenic I've seen in Idaho Turn north on the Clark Fork Road #306 at Big Meadows At the road junction at the border of Shoshone and Bonner Counties, take road #1066 north Turn right on mountain bike trail #606 This leads you back eventually to road #1066, which takes you to Clark Fork I plan to walk around Idaho again this summer. Mike O'Brien boisemobrien@gmail.com


Ron said...

I would like to attend one of these classes, probably the Tuesday session. is it offered as part 1 and part 2, or are they the same basic class? Ron Whittaker

Mike O'Brien said...

The first session will cover lightweight backpacking, and I'll bring my gear to the second, on Thursday, Jan 30. If there is any interest, I'll also cover long distance hikes. I have made spreadsheet handouts comparing the gear used by several experienced long distance backpackers, and will pass those out, too.